Membership Application
If interested in becoming a member of Clearly Ahead Development, Please fill out the form below. Once we have received this information we will send you an application that will need to be checked over for accuracy in information and sent back to our office with a Check made out to "Clearly Ahead Development.” Please refer to the membership fee structure below to see that amount that you fall under.
Financial Institution:
- $5,000, Community-Based (Greater than $500 million in assets)
- $2,500, Community-Based (Less than $500 million in assets)
- $1,000, Branch Office of Regional Bank
Energy Industry or Public Utility:
- $5,000, Corporate (Greater than $500 million in assets)
- $2,500, Corporate (Less than $500 million in assets)
- $1,000, Corporate (Less than $50 million in assets)
Business Enterprises:
- $1,000, Over 100 Employees
- $500, Between 20-100 Employees
- $250, Under 20 Employees
Professional Service or Not-For-Profit Enterprise:
- $1,000, Over 100 Employees
- $500, Between 20-100 Employees
- $250, Under 20 Employees
Municipal Government (City, Townships, & Boroughs):
Retired Individual: